My First Post!
So after being a bit of a beauty-blog fiend for the last year, I decided that I should start a blog of my own. I think that many of you out there may be going through the same things I am, so what the hey!So I just turned 29 and with that big 3-0 looming over me I decided that I need to really find out who I am. That's what your 20's are for anyway right? So I have been watching YouTube videos, reading style and beauty blogs, looking at Pinterest and interior designs sites to find out what I like and what I don't. With that I've been trying to purchase new makeup, beauty products, and clothes to find out what my personal style really is.
Money is an issue, as I'm sure it is for the rest of you, so I do try to by reasonably priced items and if I'm going to spend the money, I want to make sure it's going to be worth it. So I try drugstore items as well as more pricey options. Additionally, for clothes, I love thrift stores and frequent them often to find newer items that I can fit into my wardrobe. And I'm a sucker for a good sale!
And as always, weight has been an issue for me. I have always been a smaller person but in the last 8 years or so I have both lost and gained a significant amount of weight. I struggle with this as once you're used to being larger it's hard to understand how clothes should fit me and how I like them to fit. Last year I lost about 25 lbs and during a period of unemployment over the winter I gained about 6 back. I am now working on getting to an ideal weight and finding the lifestyle I can keep up consistently to maintain that. :)
Finally, I try to by cruelty-free products as often as possible for my skin, hair, and makeup products. I have actually found this to be relatively easy for all budgets and have been trying a plethora of new products to decide what I like and what I don't. A great site for this is: which has a long list of cruelty-free products, which I will try to break down better in a future post. Although there are times I stray from this, as I am only human and occasionally I can't be perfect (only occasionally), I do try to stay with the products on this list.
So... I will include you all on my journey to discover my personal style and sense of self as I edge ever closer to 30!
More to come!
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