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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May Petit Vour Box

After my first Petit Vour Box, I couldn't wait for more. This box is great in that it's all cruelty-free products so I get to try many brands I've never heard of or tried and know that they still follow my philosophy of being as cruelty-free as possible with my beauty products.

Any-hoo, this month all the products were new-to-me and exciting and although there were a few hits and misses I'm still thrilled with this subscription service thus far. Ok, let's see what I got.

Zabana Essentials
Shimmery Dry Glow Shampoo
Well first off the name of this dry shampoo really scared me off at first. So the only time I've used it it just used a little, because I already have oily hair so I don't need to draw attention to that between washes. But I gave it a shot and it seemed to work ok. It's kind of hard to get enough out of the bottle, and when I put it in at night, I had to add more in the morning (I usually sleep in dry shampoo between washes and wakeup with "newly washed" hair). But I will get it another shot.

Lippy Girl
Vegocentric Organic Vegan Lipstick - Rosey Posey
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm just not that into lipsticks. And especially red, I have never found a red that suits me. And unfortunately, this color was not exception. This is a brick red and I feel it would be hard to work this color (kudos to you if you can!) But this has made it to my giveaway pile.

Shimmer Skincare Scrub
Hmmm... what's with all the shimmer in this box? I tried this scrub in the shower like the sugar scrubs I make (see here) so I rub it on my legs, rinsed off the sugar, then tried to shave with it. And it worked well although there is A LOT of shimmer and it got all stuck in my razor and ruined it. And then I kept finding little glitter bits all day... overall I'm not so sure about this product.

No. 11 Anarose Rejuvenating Rose Toner
This is probably the stand out product for me... and of course it's the most expensive (my problems). But I've used this for a few days now because I've been having some hormonal breakouts. And with using this about 3 times those spots are pretty much dried up. Yay! I only wish this didn't cost so much. But overall I really liked this product.

I'll definitely be keeping this subscription, so many new things to try and hopefully love.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds incredible. I've never heard of this box before but I love the cruelty-free aspect.:]

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