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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Attitude Gratitude for 2014!

I don't know about you all, but I always get a little depressed after Christmas... every year... without fail. I'm not sure why exactly, it's not that I'm upset that I'm not getting presents anymore or anything like that. I think it's more that the whole holiday season is so exciting with the lights out, Christmas carols, baking, and shopping, and all the fun things to do. Then afterwards it's just kind of, nothing. Sad :(

So this year to combat the inevitable depressive state I wanted to turn my attitude around and focus on all the things I am grateful for that happened in 2014! So here we go!

  • First and foremost and always.... my family! I have the most amazing family in the whole world and a large one - my husband, mom, brother, grandma, aunts uncles, cousins, in-laws, and everyone! They are always there to cheer me up, support me, tease me, and love me! Thanks all!
  • I found a job this year, after my short stint of unemployment in 2013, which was a huge relief. Although I wasn't there long, I did meet some great people.
  • Then in July I started another new job that is a little more in line with my future goals, and I received a bit more money which is always welcome.
  • My new car; it's the one I've been wanting for a long time and I was so excited to be able to get it!
  • The hubs also got a new job that he loves so much more than the one before. It has made him so happy and excited which is wonderful to see :)
  • The hubs and I have also been able to re-solidify our relationship this year and really work on finding quality time to enjoy with each other.
  • Starting this blog, of course! I've really enjoyed the chance to write on a regular basis and share my opinions, thoughts, and fun with you!
These are the highlights of my year... and of course there are more things that I'm thankful for. Because once you open that door, it's really hard to shut! 

So often for the New Year we're thinking of the future, goals, and what's to come. But I think we often forget to think back. Ok, yes, there's Thanksgiving, but we can be grateful more than once a year right?

So this year, before you start setting your goals and working yourself up over all the things still to accomplish (only me?), sit down for a minute, or two, or ten, and write down whatever you're grateful for from 2014. 

I find it so much easier to write goals that are meaningful and obtainable, once I've given myself a little pat on the back for everything I've accomplished or just am thankful for from the year before. 

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a wonderful 2014 and wish you all the best in 2015!


  1. Happy New Year! I'm grateful for learning more ways to help animals in 2014 and I am treating 2015 as a clean slate and an opportunity to be a better me that I can be proud of. Beauty wise I plan to pay a little more attention to my smile and hair, after all, I wear them every day!

    1. I did really enjoy your blogging for animals in 2014, maybe you could make it an annual thing?!?
