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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Workout Gear Wishlist

Workout Gear Wishlist

Recently I've been trying to get back into working out. I've been doing pretty well going about 3 times a week after work. I always try to talk myself out of going because I need to go the store, gas station, work late, blah, blah, blah, excuses! The funny thing is once I'm there I get really into it and work hard and push myself. And I always feel amazing afterwards! 

I decided that to keep myself motivated I want to treat myself when I hit certain milestones. Working out for 5 days in a row, 2 weeks in a row, etc... So here is my wishlist of clothes, shoes and gadgets I think would make exercise more fun!

I decided that printed leggings would be really fun and make me happy when I look down. Not to mention, cute workout clothes always make exercise more bearable. And these training shoes are adorable and that blue! 

I really like this black top because it's not too clingy and kind of flows over the tummy area, which is an area I'm not very confident in. 

Then, this Jawbone UP24 is a fitness and sleep tracker... these things just fascinate me and I wonder if they'd be super helpful or super annoying :| hmmm... It also gives you a reminder if you've been sitting too long, I could be down with that!

So are there any workout clothes, shoes or gadgets on your wishlist?


  1. The Jawbone is pretty and sounds interesting too, I wonder if you'll love it? I just won a bunch of workout clothes from ebay, all in tones of grey and black so it's more likely I'll match at the gym instead of looking like a crazy rainbow like I normally do. That's inspiring to me!

    1. Congratulations on winning the workout clothes! How exciting! I'm usually much more of a black, white, grey person so I understand that. I did buy a bright pink workout shirt this weekend so we'll see if it does improve my mood :)

      I don't know about the Jawbone I'm still deciding on it... I don't know if I'd wear it all the time.
